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West District Blotter

Meet and Eat

June 26, 2013 4:42 PM

Last week the first "Meet and Eat" event of the year was held in the Meadowood neighborhood.  Meet and Eat is an opportunity for neighbors to get together and meet, while enjoying some great food from some of Madison's best food carts.  The events are held on the West side of the Meadowood Shopping Center, at the intersection of Raymond Road and Whitney Way.

The Meet and Eat events started last year with a four-week test, and the turnout was fantastic.  This year, there will be a Meet and Eat event at Meadowood every Thursday (except for July 4th) from 5pm - 7:30pm, from now through August 29.  Whether you live in the area or are just driving through, please stop by to say hello and enjoy some good food.  MPD officers will also be stopping out regularly at the Meet and Eat events to talk with residents.  You might even get to meet one of our four-legged officers...last week Officer Sarah McLaughlin and Beau stopped by:

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