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West District Blotter

Traffic Complaints

July 15, 2013 3:19 PM

Traffic complaints continue to be one of the top concerns of residents living in the West District.  With seemingly more traffic volume every week, the complaints we receive from citizens continue to increase.  So what can you do when you notice traffic violations in your neighborhood or in other areas?  There are several options:

  • Use our website to report a traffic violation or concern:

Concerns that are reported through this link are routed to the appropriate district and shared with officers routinely.  They are also shared with MPD's Traffic Enforcement Safety Team (TEST).  Officers in the West District make traffic enforcement a priority in their daily patrols, and citizen complaints help focus our efforts.

  • Contact the Speeder's Hotline at (608) 266-4624.  Specific traffic violations with license plate numbers are followed up on by TEST.  Drivers of offending vehicles typically receive warning letters in the mail.  General traffic complaints/concerns are communicated to TEST and district officers for enforcement attention.
  • Request the placement of our speed trailer.  Each MPD district has one portable speed trailer, and the West District trailer is used frequently.  Citizen complaints help determine where it will be placed each week.  The trailer is generally pretty effective and calming speeds, and we encourage you to contact the West District at (608) 243-0500 if you would like to see it in your neighborhood.

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