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West District Blotter

Farmers Market coming to Elver Park!

May 23, 2017 12:39 PM

We recently received some exciting news that a Farmers Market will be coming to Elver Park this summer!  There will be vendors, events, and different organizations represented. Please attend and support your local growers.   Here is the news release:

Elver Park Farmers Market

Saturdays June 10-September 16 8am-Noon

Meat, Eggs, Fish, Seasonal Vegetables, Fruit, and Flowers

Community Events such as June 10: MG&E Solar Tent and SSM Health Healthy Habits Wheel spin for kids, July 8: Free Bootcamp 7:30am-8:15am, August 19: Mounted Patrol 11am-Noon, Music various Saturdays and more!

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