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West District Blotter

Special Olympics and the Torch Run

June 11, 2017 7:01 AM

Every year, Special Olympics WI holds the WI State Games in Stevens Point, WI.  Athletes from around the state compete in a variety of events similar to the Olympics.  Several of our officers assist in the softball throw event which is sponsored by the WI Professional Police Association, which we belong to.  It is truly a joy to watch the athletes compete!

As a fundraiser for that event, the day before, last Thursday, many of us also participated in the Law Enforcement Torch Run that started on the square.  This event has raised millions of dollars over the years for the Special Olympics organization.  This is just one of many fundraisers that officers from our department participate in, some of the others include, the Polar Plunge, Cop on Rooftop, waiting tables at participating restaruants etc... I would encourage anyone interested to check out the website at

The West District was well represented at the Torch Run this year, check out the photos to see some of your district officers.



E Wash

West Group

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