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West District Blotter

Wexford Ridge Connections

October 30, 2013 11:34 AM

The end of summer in the Wexford Ridge neighborhood brought the annual "Connections" event.  Despite a delayed start, due to rain, a lot of residents and children still showed up and had a good time.  People enjoyed themselves with a DJ, food, visits from the MPD K9 and Mounted Patrol units, and an appearance by the Madison Fire Department.  the dunk tank was also a big hit, particularly when former Wexford Ridge neighborhood officer Cindy Thiesenhusen and current neighborhood officer Kathy Peterson volunteered to be dunked.

A lot of local businesses were sponsors of the event and gave generous donations, in addition to the contribution from the Meridian Management company.  John Deere Credit again provided volunteers as part of the United Way "Day of Caring," and they were instrumental in helping the event run smoothly.   The "Connections" event was a big success due to MPD, the Management Company, local businesses and residents all working together.



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