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West District Blotter

A great day for the Madison Addiction Recovery Initiative!

March 16, 2018 11:57 AM

Today was a landmark day for the Madison Addiction Recovery Initiative (MARI) ! Five people had a graduation ceremony from the program and are now drug free!!!  Chief Koval was the keynote speaker today.

The MARI program is a pre-arrest diversion program for low level property crime or possession type of charges.  It is a partnership with Connections Counseling who runs the treatment aspect of the program along with Public Health Madison/Dane County, Dane County Human Services, the University of Wisconsin (research aspect) and the Madison Police Department who refers the individuals for the program.  This program started late in 2017 and has now been able to make a significant difference in these 5 people's lives!!  Great work to all and congrats to the graduates!







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