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West District Blotter

Something to ponder when on-line shopping

November 21, 2018 6:11 AM

After the turkey and pumpkin pie are nothing but crumbs left in a pan, many people turn to the internet to pass the time.  As your fingers are flying and you find that one gift that you just must have, and is on SALE, you decide you must have it!  While you are going through the check out process, pause for a minute and think about where this incredible present should be delivered. 

With the holiday season just about here, the Porch Pirates will be in full glory, cruising neighborhoods looking for packages to steal off porches.  So think for a minute, should this be delivered to sit on my porch all day while i am at work or is there another safer option?

Some ideas include; delivery to your workplace, to your retired neighbor who is home most of the day, to your apartment complex office, to the condo office. 

Have your packages sent to where you are, not where you are not. Some retailers also will deliver within a certain time frame window. Or, you can always choose pick up at the UPS or Fed Ex local office.

Give thanks for what you have and don't be a Porch Pirate victim this holiday season!    






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