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West District Blotter

New Captain of the West District

January 9, 2019 9:50 PM


It is my distinct honor to introduce myself to you as the new Captain of the West District.  I am in my 17th year at MPD.  During my tenure, I have served in the following roles: Patrol Officer, Training Officer, SET and SWAT Teams, Patrol Sergeant, FTO Sergeant, Sergeant of Training and Tactical Team Commander for SWAT.  Most recently, I was assigned as the Lieutenant of Investigative Services.  

Prior to MPD, I was a special education teacher and soccer coach at Madison Memorial High School for 10 years.  ?I grew up in the West District on Lynndale Road and still live in the West District with my wife Cathy who teaches for MMSD.  We have two grown children who attend Stevens Point and University of Minnesota - Twin Cities respectively.  I am excited to be back in the West District and am looking forward to the opportunity to serve in this new role.  Please contact me if I can be of assistance to you.

Thank you.

Captain Timothy Patton

West Police District
Madison Police Department

1710 McKenna Blvd
Madison WI 53711

office (608) 243-0503

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