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West District Blotter

Theft from Auto and Stolen Vehicle Incidents

June 29, 2016 4:55 PM

MPD is seeing an increase in theft from auto incidents in the West District this summer.  Some simple steps can reduce your chances of being victimized:

  • Keep your vehicle locked with the windows rolled up, even if parked in your driveway.
  • Do not keep valuables in your vehicle.
  • To the extent it's possible, keep your vehicle parked in a well-lit area.
  • Never keep keys (house or vehicle) or garage door openers in your vehicle.

We are also seeing a number of stolen vehicles that are being abandoned in the West District.  All of these vehicles had been unlocked, with the keys in them. 

These incidents are crimes of opportunity...please do your part to reduce these opportunities and keep your car locked...


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