Brittingham Boathouse Exterior Painting
November 8, 2023 Update
The wood repair and painting work is complete! Parks Division staff will continue to work on west elevation window and shutter repairs over the winter months.
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Project Information
Project Overview
This project consists of wood repair and repainting of the Brittingham Boathouse located at 617 North Shore Drive in Madison, WI. The Brittingham Boathouse is a City of Madison designated landmark and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Work shall not deviate from the project specifications in order to comply with approvals granted by the Landmarks Commission and State Historic Preservation Office. The intent of this Section is to specify a wood repair and painting process that will maximize the retention of historic materials while rehabilitating the exterior of the landmark building in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.
The scope of work includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and other services necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent of this contract. The Contractor shall use properly functioning equipment capable of performing the tasks required. The Contractor shall furnish workers who perform quality work and who are experienced and knowledgeable in the work proposed.
Previously, the west elevation of the boathouse was exhibiting peeling paint and some deteriorated wood. The contract was awarded and work was completed without proper direction and involvement with the City Project Manager. The Work of this contract should focus on the wood repair, paint removal as necessary for proper surface preparation, and repainting of the west elevation from the window heads down to grade. There may be some caulking, paint touch up, and minor work tasks required above the window heads. If project funding allows, the wood replacement, repair and repainting of other elevations may be completed as additional services with a contract amendment.
October 04, 2023 update: The west elevation has been painted and work will now begin on the other elevations to repair wood and paint. The Parks Division will repair the windows and the shutters on the west elevation over the winter.
Project Schedule
City User Agency: City of Madison Parks
1st Advertisement of Bid: June 01, 2023 RFB #12039-0-2023-AM is available on DemandStar and VendorNet
Bid Talk (Virtual): June 5, 2023 Bid Talks: Brittingham Boathouse Exterior Painting Recording
Pre-Bid Site/Bldg Tour: June 14, 2023 @ 2:00 p.m. at the project site, 617 North Shore Dr., Madison, WI
Bid Due Date: Thursday, June 29, 2023 @ 2:00 p.m.
Expected Completion Date: Within (3) months of project start or October 31, 2023
"All information regarding dates/times/locations are informational and should be verified with the RFB documents"
Existing Project: