
 Residents have expressed concerns over safe, accessible and connected walking and biking for the neighborhoods surrounding the Sauk Creek Greenway. We understand that the Sauk Creek Greenway Corridor is an important public space for the community but can also be a barrier to reaching destinations that are close. It may also feel unclear whether you can walk or bike in the space currently. To help us craft a project that can work for the community and as a sustainable public works facility, the City wants to understand how the community currently uses the corridor, and wants to use the corridor in the future. We want to hear how this public space can strengthen connections between people and place. This valuable public space can benefit the community in multiple ways, not just as a storm water channel, and understanding the community’s values will help develop recommendations in the corridor plan to support people’s use and enjoyment of the Sauk Creek Greenway.

The West Area Plan is currently looking at transportation connections in the West Area, including potential connections in and across the Sauk Creek Greenway. The West Area Plan the best place to share input relating to the bicycle and pedestrian network and overall transportation safety. The Sauk Creek Greenway Corridor Plan will build upon any recommendations in the West Area Plan that impact the corridor and consider how to address: 

  • Community mobility/accessibility needs
  • Design constraints
  • Community concerns

A multi-use path in Sauk Creek has been referenced in a variety of planning documents over the years as seen below:

multiuse path history for sauk creek infographic

In 2018, the Sauk Creek Greenway project was brought to the public and subsequently put on hold following the major flooding to complete watershed modeling. With the original 2018 project, the City Parks Division proposed an additional off-road trail network for mountain biking, snow shoeing, and skiing with the greenway project. These trails will not be considered with the Corridor Planning effort. Any future off road singletrack trail project will be managed by Parks and will be separate from the Sauk Creek Greenway project. You can learn more about the Parks Division’s planning project at their MadBAT project website.

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