Capital City Trail Storm Sewer Replacement
January 28, 2025 Update
A public information meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m., Feb. 20, 2025, via Zoom. Registration prior is required.
Feb. 20, 2025 Public Information Meeting Registration
Project Details
Project Information
Project Overview
City Engineering plans to install new storm sewer main and structures between S. Blount Street and S. Brearly Street to replace a failing storm sewer within the Capital City Trail Bike Path Corridor. The new storm sewer will have increase capacity and replace 1725-ft of existing storm sewer installed in 1909 currently located near the southern lot line of the Capital City Trail right-of-way. The storm sewer alignment will be relocated to the north of the existing storm sewer and remain south of the existing commuter path. Efforts will be made to minimize full closure of sections of the commuter path for construction vehicle access, and plan to require modified through-access with traffic control measures and communication in place. The commuter path pavement should generally remain intact and will not require replacement for the sewer installation.
The existing storm box culvert has been repaired or replaced at street crossings, but many sections are in very poor condition with concerns of imminent failure. The existing storm box culvert conveys a significant amount of the runoff for the watershed. It is placed at a shallow grade and close to the ground surface. The concrete material is affected by surface runoff, groundwater, and accumulated debris from storm sewer collection. Fractures, spalling, and exposed rebar are present along many sections of the existing box culvert affecting its functionality. Other areas have evidence of active exfiltration or leaking of the storm sewer into adjacent properties
The proposed storm sewer improvement project is located within the East Isthmus watershed. Information related to the East Isthmus & Yahara Watershed flood study can be located at
- East Isthmus & Yahara Watershed Study Flood Map, link to StoryMap.
- East Isthmus & Yahara Watershed October 6, 2022 Public Information Meeting Presentation, link to PowerPoint.
Project Limits
Proposed storm sewer will be installed within the Capital City Trail (E Wilson St) right-of-way and placed south of the existing commuter path. The sewer installation will start approximately 300-ft north of S Blount St, continue approximately 1725-ft, and terminate near the north side of the S Brearly St intersection. The storm installation will cross at the intersections of S Livingston St, S Paterson St, S Brearly St.
Project Schedule
Estimated: June 16, 2025 to September 30, 2025
First Bid: 3/27/2025
Second Bid: 4/3/2025
Public Involvement
There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates, times and locations are indicated below:
Public Information Meeting: TBA
BPW Meeting: 3/12/2025
Common Council: 3/25/2025
Public Information Meetings
A public information meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m., Feb. 20, 2025, via Zoom. Registration prior is required.
Feb. 20, 2025 Public Information Meeting Registration
If you need an interpreter, translator, materials in alternate formats or other accommodations to access this service, activity or program, please call Daniel Olivares of the Engineering Division at or (608) 261-9285.
Si necesita un intérprete, un traductor, materiales en formatos alternativos u otros arreglospara acceder a este servicio, actividad o programa, comuníquese inmediatamente al número de teléfono que figura a continuación.
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City Process, Meetings
- Approval of Plans & Specifications - 3/12/2025
- Pending acceptable bids, Award and Execution of Contract - 5/7/2025
- Approval of Plans & Specifications – 3/25/2025
- Pending acceptable bids, Award and Execution of Contract – 5/20/2025