Olin Park

Address: | 1156 Olin-Turville Ct. |
Hours: | 4:00am - 10:00pm |
Park Type:> | Community |
Acres: | 47.12 |
Restroom: | No |
Drinking Water: | Yes |
Shoreline On: | Lake Monona & Wingra Creek |
Park History
The pavilion in Olin Park is one of the most historic buildings owned by the City of Madison and one of the most popular park shelters in Madison. Built as a lecture hall for the Monona Lake Assembly in 1884, the pavilion was designed by Madison architect David R. Jones as 'Normal Hall' for the Wisconsin Sunday School Assembly. As many as 15,000 came each year for religious instruction, entertainment, recreation and lectures by such notables as William McKinley and "Fighting Bob" La Follette.During the Wisconsin Sunday School Assembly sessions, the grounds resembled a tent city. Steamships and trains were scheduled for stops at the grounds and a streetcar line was eventually built to serve the camp.
In 1912, the City purchased the old assembly grounds for a park. In 1919, 'Monona Park' was opened to tourists for camping, making it the first municipal camp east of the Rocky Mountains. The 'old barn' during those days was used as a dance hall. This is one of the few remaining buildings connected with Madison's heyday as a resort community. In 1923, the Common Council renamed the park Olin Park in honor of John Olin the founder of the Madison Park and Pleasure Drive. See Madison Parks Foundation for more.
In 2000, the Olin Pavilion was renovated to resemble the original 1884 barn.
At this Park
Tenney Park Beach Area is CLOSED for 2024 - A new lakeside shelter is coming to Tenney Park beach! While work is underway this year, a construction safety zone with temporary fencing is in place and the adjacent playground and beach are closed. Due to the construction safety zone, we are unable to access the beach area with equipment for maintenance and no water quality testing will be done this summer at this location. Look for a new reservable shelter opening in 2025. See Tenney Park Beach Project, for more information.
Spring Harbor Beach - Possible access interruptions - Due to construction work on Mendota Drive, access to Spring Harbor Beach may be limited or interrupted through July. See Mendota Drive to learn more about this City of Engineering project.
Beach swimming season is typically Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. This is when PHMDC tests the lake water quality and Parks staff clean and maintain designated beaches. Swimming ropes are provided at a number of the beaches.RESTROOMS
The following rules apply to designated beaches and beach areas.
Beach restrooms are open daily approx. 11am to 7pm, Memorial Day through Labor Day. See RESTROOMS to view locations.
Thanks to funding provided by the Madison Parks Foundation, accessible beach mats are available at Bernie's and Vilas beaches.
Public Health Madison & Dane County performs lake water quality testing typically from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Water quality test results are automatically posted on this page with "OK" or "CLOSED." If CLOSED, the beach area and park remain open but the water is closed for swimming. If OK, the water quality is approved for swimming, however, it does not mean a lifeguard is on duty.
RULES- No dogs are allowed on the sand or in the roped swim area.
- Only US Coast Guard-approved lifejackets are allowed.
- Alcohol is allowed at certain beaches, see Park Rules for further details.
- Children under 5 years of age must be actively supervised (watching your child at all times and providing immediate assistance) by a caregiver 16 years of age or over.
- Toys are allowed but the use of toys may be restricted for the safety of patrons.
- The City of Madison is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.
- Boats are not allowed in the swim area. The swim area is defined by the outer buoys.
- Fishing is not allowed in the swim area.
Olin Beach
Public Health Water Testing:Address: 1156 Olin-Turville Ct.Closed
Restroom: Yes
Drinking Water: Yes
Parking: Parking Lot
Amenities: Boat Ramp, Picnic Tables
Swim Ropes: No
Lifeguard: No
Olin Beach Details -
Boat Launch
Boat Launch News
- A year-round pier remains at Olbrich Park.
- Free Fun Weekend - No permit is required!
- Saturday & Sunday, June 7-8, 2025
- LAKE MONONA: Law, Olbrich, Olin
- LAKE MENDOTA: Marshall, Spring Harbor, Tenney, Warner
2025 Fees
Daily $8 Annual - Dane County Resident $50 Annual - Non-Resident $60 Annual - Dane County Senior (65+) & Disabled $25 Annual - Non-Res Senior (65+) & Disabled $30 Military/Veteran $25 Duplicate/Replacement $20 - 2024 permit is valid through March 31, 2025.
- 2025 permit is available for purchase starting Nov. 1 and is valid from the time of purchase through March 31, 2026.
Lake Access Permit
- A daily or annual permit is required year-round to launch a motorboat, sailboat, iceboat, canoe, kayak, or ATV.
- See Ordinance 8.215 for details.
- Purchase permit ONLINE or by calling during regular office hours.
- Iron rangers are NOT available for onsite cash purchasing.
- The permit is valid for the issue year through March 31 of the following year.
- Permits for the following year may be purchased starting November 1 of the previous year.
- The permit should be displayed on the inside driver's side windshield.
- The permit is valid at designated launch sites throughout Dane County. MAP
Olbrich Boat Launch, Boaters Advised to Use Caution
Boaters are advised to use caution navigating the narrowed channel where the Starkweather Creek meets Lake Monona due to low lake levels and creek sediment. Channel markers are installed by Dane County Land and Water Resources to assist boaters. Boaters may consider launching at alternate sites such as Olin, Tonyawatha or Winnequah. Lake Access permit holder may use any of the designated launch sites throughout Dane County.
Launch Area Parking Rules and Tips (Ordinance 8.16)
- Long stalls are for parking vehicles with trailers only.
- Regular-size stalls are for parking vehicles with no trailer only.
- Parking on the grass is prohibited.
- When the launch parking lot is full, you must find an alternative launch site
- Violators are subject to a citation.
Olin Park - Boat Launch
Location: 1156 Olin-Turville Ct.
Lake Access Permit Required: Yes
Canoe & Kayak Storage
Watercraft Storage Spaces
Explore Madison's beautiful lakes, rivers, and creeks by paddle and store your canoe, kayak or paddleboard on the shores of your favorite park. All storage racks are outdoors and uncovered. The annual storage period begins each year on April 1 and ends on March 15 of the following year.
How to Reserve:- You may be placed on our waitlist at no charge by calling (608) 266-4711 or EMAIL. Please include your name, phone number, email address, and any order of preferences on storage location.
- Current users can renew their watercraft storage yearly in late winter/early spring and no later than March 15.
- As spaces become available, those on the waitlist will be contacted after April 1 and offered the opportunity to reserve a space.
City of Madison Resident - Annual, single watercraft $135 City of Madison Resident - Annual, 2 watercraft, same space (100# max) $200 Non-resident - Annual, single watercraft $260 Non-resident - Annual, 2 watercraft, same space (100# max) $380
Watercraft storage rules include:- Watercraft must not exceed 100 pounds, 18' length, 42" width or 24" height.
- Storage is for permitted watercraft only. No personal property or other watercraft may be kept on racks for any length of time.
- Watercraft must be secured to the boat storage rack. The owner accepts all liability for theft or damage to their property.
- Parks Staff reserves the right to cut any lock and remove any watercraft, under any condition it deems necessary for the function of the boat storage program.
- View 2025 Agreement and Rules.
- Brittingham & Wingra Parks: Madison Boats
- Olbrich Park: Rutabaga Paddlesports
Madison Parks offers seasonal and year-round fishing piers. Year-round locations include Brittingham Park (near shelter), Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park, South (School Road), Olbrich Park (Starkweather Creek), and Spring Harbor Park.
An accessible pier is located in Vilas Park, on Lake Wingra and at Warner Park, on the Warner Park lagoon.
Wisconsin residents aged 16 years old or older need a fishing license to fish in any waters of the state. Nonresidents aged 16 years old or older need a nonresident fishing license to fish in Wisconsin waters with hook and line. Visit the Wisconsin DNR website for more information.View all Fishing
Every year, the first consecutive Saturday and Sunday in June and the third Saturday and Sunday in January, are designated as Free Fishing Weekends throughout the state of Wisconsin. Residents and nonresidents of all ages can fish without a fishing license (and trout stamps) over these two days. Visit WI DNR
MESSAGE FROM PUBLIC HEALTH MADISON & DANE COUNTY: Eating fish can be a delicious, low-cost, and nutritious meal. However, eating certain fish can also be harmful because they may contain mercury, PCBs, or PFAS. See PHMDC for more information. -
Historical Feature
More information on historic buildings or district questions may be found in the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development Planning Division.
Wisconsin has the highest concentration of burial mounds in the United States and the Madison area has one of the highest concentrations of burial mounds remaining. Most mounds were lost to 19th-century agricultural practices and city development. The mound builders were farmers who also engaged in hunting and gathering. They lived in small villages and migrated from one to another based on the seasonal availability of natural resources. The mounds often, but not always, have burials associated with them, but their exact purpose is not entirely understood. Mounds tend to have been built in places with beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. The mounds are considered sacred by modern Native Americans and should be treated with respect.
A Burial Mounds Policy was created with assistance from the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Ho-Chunk Nation, and approved by the Board of Park Commissioners in October 2019, the policy provides guidelines and procedures for managing burial mounds located in Madison Parks. Burial mound locations are also included in the policy.-
Monona Lake Assembly Normal Hall
Location: 1156 Olin-Turville Court
Built: 1884
Description: This pavilion was built as a 450-seat lecture hall for the Monona Lake Assembly. Established to provide instruction for Sunday school teachers, it soon became a popular summer camp for tourists from throughout the Midwest. As many as 15,000 came each year for religious instruction, entertainment, recreation, and lectures by such notables as William McKinley and "Fighting Bob" La Follette. The Normal Hall is one of the last buildings remaining from Madison's heyday as a resort community.
Designated a City of Madison Landmark on March 21, 1988.
More Information: Landmark Nomination
Multipurpose Field
Open or Multipurpose Fields are reservable athletic fields with no game-specific design or limitations. Often used for soccer, ultimate, lacrosse or football, yet open to your imagination. Multipurpose Fields are located throughout the city and may be used on a first-come, first-served basis if not already reserved. RESERVE ONLINE
View all Multipurpose Fields
Specialized fields include soccer, cricket, ball diamonds - baseball or softball and both fenced and non-fenced, may be viewed on the individual pages. See the sidebar on the Athletics webpage.-
Olin Park - Multipurpose Field
Olin Park - Multipurpose Field
Parking Lot
Parking lots in parks are available for park programs or events during regular park hours: 4:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Parking Rules
- Driving or parking motorized vehicles is not allowed on the grass or near a shelter and is subject to a citation.
- Three-hour limit in all parks, as posted.
- No parking after hours: 10pm to 4am. Overnight parking is not allowed.
- Conservation park hours are 4am until one hour after sunset
- Follow all onsite parking regulation signs.
- Violators are subject to a fine.
The parking lot located on the eastern side of Law Park, commonly known as the Blair Lot, is a metered parking lot, enforced by City of Madison Parking Division between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
View all Parking Lots -
With more than 175 playgrounds throughout Madison, you are never too far from a playground. According to the Trust for Public Land, Madison ranks #1 in the nation for the number of playgrounds available. The traditional swings and slides are always an option, as are new play elements and fully accessible playgrounds.
Through the Madison Parks Foundation initiative, Madison Parks offers accessible playgrounds in Brittingham, Elver, Rennebohm and Warner parks. An accessible playground is anticipated in Reindahl Park in the near future.
View all Playgrounds
Madison Parks is responsible for maintaining more than 175 playgrounds and began a system-wide replacement initiative in 2013. With current staff and funding resources, replacements are scheduled to continue through 2033. Playgrounds are routinely inspected to assess the equipment's conditions and repair any safety concerns. Based on the age of the equipment and current conditions, each is given an audit score. The number of playgrounds replaced each year is based on budget allocations, staffing resources, and using the current playground audit score for prioritization.
At the start of the replacement process, notices are sent to the District Alder, neighborhood association representatives, and surrounding residential addresses. Information is also posted to the project website. Generally, two public meetings are held to review surfacing and equipment options and make final selections.
If you have questions about a specific playground or see something broken, please let us know.-
Olin Park - Playground
Scenic Overlook
Many of the Madison Parks are located in ideal locations for sight seeing. Enjoy the view! View all Scenic Overlooks -
Shelter - Reservable
Shelter and Pavilion News
- 2025 reservations opened Friday, November 1.
- Reservations may be made online, by phone or in person at Parks Lakeside Offices.
- See 2025 Special Event Reservations for unavailable dates and locations.
- Olin Park Pavilion CLOSED 2026 - City Engineering will conduct essential repairs and maintenance to this historic building in 2026. We anticipate the pavilion closed for the year. A clearer timeline will be available by November 2025.
Madison Parks offers larger shelters and pavilions perfect for a casual event, staff retreat or celebration. Most are available to reserve from mid-April through mid-October, with a few exceptions as noted below. The Shelter Reservations Guide provides details on seating capacities, and amenities such as outlets, fireplaces, and picnic tables. Reservations may be made online, in person or by phone. Please follow these helpful steps when making a reservation.
- Review Parks Projects. As we continually improve our park system, some projects may impact a nearby shelter.
- Reserve one of three ways. Full payment is due at the time of processing.
- ONLINE - credit card only
- Calling (608) 266-4711 - credit card only
- In-person at the Parks Lakeside Offices - credit card, cash or check (made payable to City Treasurer)
Important Notes:
- Any required permits, such as amplified sound, or alcohol are required at the time of processing.
- All reservations are subject to our standard cancelation policy.
- Opening day to reserve a park shelter for the following year begins on the first business day in November.
- 2025 reservations opening day is Friday, November 1, 2024.
- IMPORTANT: Canceling a reservation made on opening day will result in a 50% refund and must be submitted at least 11 or more days before the event date. No refunds are given if the request is submitted 10 days or fewer before the event.
- Dogs are prohibited inside a shelter or other City building.
- Picnic shelters may be reserved online or by calling -OR- if not reserved, are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Day of signage is posted at the shelter.
- Madison Parks does not guarantee absolute privacy to any group. Your reservation will reserve only the facility you are using, not the entire park or other park amenities. If you are interested in reserving the entire park, please visit Special Events.
- Alcohol is permitted in most Madison Parks. Glass is never allowed. There are a handful of alcohol-free parks. In these locations, if you would like to bring alcohol, you will need an alcohol permit, which may be obtained when placing your reservation. An alcohol permit, without a reservation, is not given.
- Public improvements and/or construction may be underway during the time of your reservation. The City of Madison Parks Division makes every attempt to schedule around events and shelter reservations whenever possible, however, this is not a guarantee. Please keep in mind improvements to parks and infrastructure continue throughout the year. Please visit Park Projects for a partial list of major capital improvement projects.
- Firearms or weapons are not permitted at any of the shelters. Violators may be considered trespassers and may be subject to forfeiture or arrest.
Open Schedule Exceptions
- Open year-round:
- Open mid-April through mid-November:
- John Wall Family Pavilion in Tenney Park
- Elver Park (enclosed shelter)
- Warner Park
- Olin Park (through October)
Olin Park Pavilion
Address: 1156 Olin-Turville Court
Capacity: See Seating.
Restrooms: In separate building
Water: Available in shelter
Parking: Parking lot
Shelter Details: Olin Park Pavilion