
Through the Madison Parks Foundation initiative, Madison Parks offers accessible playgrounds in Brittingham, Elver, Rennebohm and Warner parks. An accessible playground is anticipated in Reindahl Park in the near future.
Madison Parks is responsible for maintaining more than 175 playgrounds and began a system-wide replacement initiative in 2013. With current staff and funding resources, replacements are scheduled to continue through 2033. Playgrounds are routinely inspected to assess the equipment's conditions and repair any safety concerns. Based on the age of the equipment and current conditions, each is given an audit score. The number of playgrounds replaced each year is based on budget allocations, staffing resources, and using the current playground audit score for prioritization.
At the start of the replacement process, notices are sent to the District Alder, neighborhood association representatives, and surrounding residential addresses. Information is also posted to the project website. Generally, two public meetings are held to review surfacing and equipment options and make final selections.
If you have questions about a specific playground or see something broken, please let us know.
Acewood Park - Playground
Park: Acewood Park
Aldo Leopold Park - Playground
Park: Aldo Leopold Park
Allied Park - Playground
Park: Allied Park
Arbor Hills Park - Playground
Park: Arbor Hills Park
B.B. Clarke Beach Park - Playground
Park: B.B. Clarke Beach Park
Badger Park - Playground
Park: Badger Park
Baxter Park - Playground
Park: Baxter Park
Berkley Park - Playground
Park: Berkley Park
Bernie's Beach Park - Playground
Park: Bernie's Beach Park
Blackhawk Park - Playground
Park: Blackhawk Park
Bordner Park - Playground
Park: Bordner Park
Brentwood Park - Playground
Park: Brentwood Park
Brigham Park - Playground
Park: Brigham Park
Brittingham Park - Playground
Park: Brittingham Park
Brittingham Park - Playground
Park: Brittingham Park
Brittingham Park - Playground
Park: Brittingham Park
Burrows Park - Playground
Park: Burrows Park
Cardinal Glenn Park - Playground
Park: Cardinal Glenn Park
Carpenter - Ridgeway Park - Playground
Cherokee Park - Playground
Park: Cherokee Park
Churchill Heights Park - Playground
Park: Churchill Heights Park
Country Grove Park - Playground
Park: Country Grove Park
Cypress Splash Park - Playground
Park: Cypress Splash Park
Demetral Park - Playground
Park: Demetral Park
Dominion Park - Playground
Park: Dominion Park
Doncaster Park - Playground
Park: Doncaster Park
Door Creek Park - Playground
Park: Door Creek Park
Droster Park - Playground
Park: Droster Park
Dudgeon School Park - Playground
Park: Dudgeon School Park
Eagle Trace Park - Playground
Park: Eagle Trace Park
Eastmorland Park - Playground
Park: Eastmorland Park
Eastmorland Park - Playground
Park: Eastmorland Park
Edward Klief Park - Playground
Park: Edward Klief Park
Eken Park - Playground
Park: Eken Park
Elmside Circle Park - Playground
Park: Elmside Circle Park
Elver Park - Playground
Park: Elver Park
Esther Beach Park - Playground
Park: Esther Beach Park
Everglade Park - Playground
Park: Everglade Park
Fisher Street Park - Playground
Park: Fisher Street Park
Flad Park - Playground
Park: Flad Park
Flagstone Park - Playground
Park: Flagstone Park
Fraust Park - Playground
Park: Fraust Park
Galaxy Park - Playground
Park: Galaxy Park
Garner Park - Playground
Park: Garner Park
Glacier Hill Park - Playground
Park: Glacier Hill Park
Glen Oak Hills Park - Playground
Park: Glen Oak Hills Park
Glenwood Children's Park - Playground
Park: Glenwood Children's Park
Goodman Park - Playground
Park: Goodman Park
Haen Family Park - Playground
Park: Haen Family Park
Harvey Schmidt Park - Playground
Park: Harvey Schmidt Park
Hawthorne Park - Playground
Park: Hawthorne Park
Heifetz Park - Playground
Park: Heifetz Park
Heritage Heights Park - Playground
Park: Heritage Heights Park
Hiestand Park - Playground
Park: Hiestand Park
High Crossing Park - Playground
Park: High Crossing Park
High Point Park - Playground
Park: High Point Park
Highland Manor Park - Playground
Park: Highland Manor Park
Hill Creek Park - Playground
Park: Hill Creek Park
Hillington Green Park - Playground
Park: Hillington Green Park
Hillpoint Park - Playground
Park: Hillpoint Park
Honeysuckle Park - Playground
Park: Honeysuckle Park
Hoyt Park - Playground
Park: Hoyt Park
Huegel Park - Playground
Park: Huegel Park
Indian Hills Park - Playground
Park: Indian Hills Park
James Madison Park - Playground
Park: James Madison Park
James Madison Park - Playground
Park: James Madison Park
Junction Ridge Park - Playground
Park: Junction Ridge Park
Kennedy Park - Playground
Park: Kennedy Park
Kingston Onyx Park - Playground
Park: Kingston Onyx Park
Kingswood Park - Playground
Park: Kingswood Park
Lake Edge Park - Playground
Park: Lake Edge Park
Lake View Heights Park - Playground
Park: Lake View Heights Park
Lerdahl Park - Playground
Park: Lerdahl Park
Lost Creek Park - Playground
Park: Lost Creek Park
Lucia Crest Park - Playground
Park: Lucia Crest Park
Lucy Lincoln Hiestand Park - Playground
Manchester Park - Playground
Park: Manchester Park
Maple Prairie Park - Playground
Park: Maple Prairie Park
Marlborough Park - Playground
Park: Marlborough Park
Marshall Park - Playground
Park: Marshall Park
Mayfair Park - Playground
Park: Mayfair Park
McClellan Park - Playground
Park: McClellan Park
McGinnis Park - Playground
Park: McGinnis Park
Meadow Ridge Park - Playground
Park: Meadow Ridge Park
Meadowood Park - Playground
Park: Meadowood Park
Midland Park - Playground
Park: Midland Park
Monona Park - Playground
Park: Monona Park
Morrison Park - Playground
Park: Morrison Park
Nakoma Park - Playground
Park: Nakoma Park
Nautilus Point Park - Playground
Park: Nautilus Point Park
Newbery Park - Playground
Park: Newbery Park
Norman Clayton Park - Playground
Park: Norman Clayton Park
North Star Park - Playground
Park: North Star Park
Northeast Park - Playground
Park: Northeast Park
Northland Manor Park - Playground
Park: Northland Manor Park
O.B. Sherry Park - Playground
Park: O.B. Sherry Park
Oak Park Heights Park - Playground
Park: Oak Park Heights Park
Ocean Road Park - Playground
Park: Ocean Road Park
Odana Hills East Park - Playground
Park: Odana Hills East Park
Odana Hills Park - Playground
Park: Odana Hills Park
Olbrich Park - Playground
Park: Olbrich Park
Olbrich Park - Playground
Park: Olbrich Park
Olbrich Park - Playground
Park: Olbrich Park
Olin Park - Playground
Park: Olin Park
Olive Jones Park (Randall School) - Playground
Ontario Park - Playground
Park: Ontario Park
Orchard Ridge Park - Playground
Park: Orchard Ridge Park
Orlando Bell Park - Playground
Park: Orlando Bell Park
Orton Park - Playground
Park: Orton Park
Owl Creek Park - Playground
Park: Owl Creek Park
Paunack (A.O.) Park - Playground
Park: Paunack (A.O.) Park
Penn Park - Playground
Park: Penn Park
Pilgrim Park - Playground
Park: Pilgrim Park
Portland Park - Playground
Park: Portland Park
Quaker Park - Playground
Park: Quaker Park
Quarry Cove Park - Playground
Park: Quarry Cove Park
Raemisch Homestead Park - Playground
Park: Raemisch Homestead Park
Raymond Ridge Park - Playground
Park: Raymond Ridge Park
Reger (George) Park - Playground
Park: Reger (George) Park
Reindahl (Amund) Park - Playground
Park: Reindahl (Amund) Park
Rennebohm Park - Playground
Park: Rennebohm Park
Reservoir Park - Playground
Park: Reservoir Park
Reston Heights Park - Playground
Park: Reston Heights Park
Reynolds Park - Playground
Park: Reynolds Park
Richmond Hill Park - Playground
Park: Richmond Hill Park
Rimrock Park - Playground
Park: Rimrock Park
Sandburg Park - Playground
Park: Sandburg Park
Sandburg Park - Playground
Park: Sandburg Park
Sandstone Park - Playground
Park: Sandstone Park
Sauk Creek Park - Playground
Park: Sauk Creek Park
Sauk Heights Park - Playground
Park: Sauk Heights Park
Secret Places Park - Playground
Park: Secret Places Park
Segoe Park - Playground
Park: Segoe Park
Sheridan Triangle Park - Playground
Park: Sheridan Triangle Park
Sherman Village Park - Playground
Park: Sherman Village Park
Sherwood Forest Park - Playground
Park: Sherwood Forest Park
Skyview Park - Playground
Park: Skyview Park
Slater (William) Park - Playground
Park: Slater (William) Park
Spring Harbor Park - Playground
Park: Spring Harbor Park
Stevens Street Park - Playground
Park: Stevens Street Park
Stevens Street Park - Playground
Park: Stevens Street Park
Sugar Maple Park - Playground
Park: Sugar Maple Park
Sunridge Park - Playground
Park: Sunridge Park
Sunset Park - Playground
Park: Sunset Park
Swallowtail Park - Playground
Park: Swallowtail Park
Sycamore Park - Playground
Park: Sycamore Park
Tenney Park - Playground
Park: Tenney Park
Tenney Park - Playground
Park: Tenney Park
Thousand Oaks Park - Playground
Park: Thousand Oaks Park
Thut Park - Playground
Park: Thut Park
Valley Ridge Park - Playground
Park: Valley Ridge Park
Veterans Memorial Park - Playground
Park: Veterans Memorial Park
Vilas (Henry) Park - Playground
Park: Vilas (Henry) Park
Vilas (Henry) Park - Playground
Park: Vilas (Henry) Park
Vilas (Henry) Park - Playground
Park: Vilas (Henry) Park
Village Park - Playground
Park: Village Park
Waldorf Park - Playground
Park: Waldorf Park
Walnut Grove Park - Playground
Park: Walnut Grove Park
Waltham Park - Playground
Park: Waltham Park
Warner Park - Playground
Park: Warner Park
Warner Park - Playground
Park: Warner Park
Washington Manor Park - Playground
Park: Washington Manor Park
Waunona Park - Playground
Park: Waunona Park
Westchester Gardens Park - Playground
Park: Westchester Gardens Park
Western Hills Park - Playground
Park: Western Hills Park
Westhaven Trails Park - Playground
Park: Westhaven Trails Park
Westmorland Park - Playground
Park: Westmorland Park
Westport Meadows Park - Playground
Park: Westport Meadows Park
Wexford Park - Playground
Park: Wexford Park
Wheeler Heights Park - Playground
Park: Wheeler Heights Park
Whitetail Ridge Park - Playground
Park: Whitetail Ridge Park
Windom Way Park - Playground
Park: Windom Way Park
Wingra Park and Boat Livery - Playground
Wirth Court Park - Playground
Park: Wirth Court Park
Woodland Hills Park - Playground
Park: Woodland Hills Park
Worthington Park - Playground
Park: Worthington Park
Yahara Place Park - Playground
Park: Yahara Place Park
Zook Park - Playground
Park: Zook Park
Boat Launch
Boat Mooring
Botanical Garden
Canoe & Kayak Launch Sites
Canoe & Kayak Rental
Canoe & Kayak Storage
Conservation Park
Cross-Country Skiing
Disc Golf
Dogs in Parks
Historical Feature
Ice Skating
Multipurpose Field
Parking Lot
Recreation Center
Scenic Overlook
Shelters & Pavilions
Skate Park
Splash Park