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West District Blotter

2021 Budget Information and Opportunities for Input

October 19, 2020 4:32 PM

Good Afternoon West District,

Credit for the following message goes to Captain Jason Freedman of the Midtown District. Many of you have inquired about the budget, the impact on MPD and opportunities to provide input. Captain Freedman's message includes resources, upcoming meeting details as well as opportunities to share your concerns and priorities. Please take a look and contact me if you have any questions.

The City budget is in full swing, and like many of you, I've reviewed the Mayor's executive budget through the lens of public safety and the impact it may have on your police department and our ability to provide critical and essential services.  In case you haven't seen the Mayor's budget memo, below is the link: 

Mayor Budget Memo

Budgets can be confusing, especially to lay-persons such as myself, and it is not unusual for one to note possible incongruities or contradictory messages.  While I have a number of concerns, questions, and thoughts on the budget, more importantly, I have heard a number of questions from you already:

  • Is the MPD's budget being increased or decreased? 
  • Is our authorized strength (the number of officers MPD has) increasing or decreasing (and by how much)? 
  • How does our staffing compare with other similar agencies? 
  • What will the impact be of absorbing the Town of Madison on police services and how are we preparing for that inevitability now? 
  • How will this budget impact the ability of MPD to provide services? 
  • What will reducing police resources mean in light of record violence in Madison?

It is absolutely vital that you voice your concerns, questions, and thoughts on this budget to your elected representatives, namely your Alder and the Mayor.  While the city has made great efforts to allow for community input, navigating those avenues can be confusing and challenging.  With that in my mind, below are some important opportunities for you to have your voice heard:

Wednesday 10/21 Community Forum at 6:30PM--you must register at:

Tuesday 10/20 there is an opportunity to provide input at the Common Council meeting

Monday 10/26 there is an opportunity to provide input at the Finance Committee meeting

Tuesday 11/10 there is an opportunity to provide input at the Common Council budget meeting

If you are interested in participating at Common Council, the below offers some options:

  1. Written Comments: You can send comments on agenda items to
  2. Register but Do Not Speak: You can register your support or opposition to an agenda item at
  3. Register to Speak or to Answer Questions: If you wish to speak at the virtual meeting on an agenda item, you must register. You can register at When you register to speak, you will be sent an email with the information you will need to join the virtual meeting.
  4. Television: Watch live on Spectrum channel 994 and AT&T U-Verse channel 99
  5. Listen to audio via phone:(877) 853-5257 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 998 4742 9898 City
  6. Watch the Meeting: You can call-in or watch the Common Council meeting in several ways:

If you have questions for me, or would like to talk and hear my perspective about the impacts the proposed budget will have on MPD and your community, please do not hesitate to reach out to me:

Email is best to schedule a time to talk:

608 243-0503 desk

608 575-1350 cell


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