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North District Blotter

Kennedy Heights Incident - Wednesday, 10/2/13

October 3, 2013 9:18 AM

Last night, there was a disturbance in the 100 block of Kennedy Heights.  A family was a home in their residence when a bullet came through the wall, striking the opposing wall.  Thankfully, neither the two adults nor the four children inside were injured.  Patrol officers attempted to contact the residents of the unit from which the shot had been fired, no one answered the door.  Concerned that someone might be injured inside the apartment, SWAT team personnel responded to the scene and searched the residence. Thankfully, no one was harmed at this location either.

In the subsequent investigation, officers were able to locate the individuals involved in the original incident, as well as the gun that was used.  It appears the shot was fire by accident, and that alcohol was factor.  The individual involved was arrested for Recklessly Endangering Safety for intoxicated use of a firearm.  There is no reason on-going public safety concern related to this incident.

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