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North District Blotter

We Would Like YOUR Feedback!

January 28, 2021 11:06 AM

Community Survey

Happy New Year, North District residents!  Here at MPD, we are preparing for our annual shift change, where we experience some movement within the organization and welcome new members to the NPD team. As we start this new year, we are very interested in your feedback. We hope you will take a few minutes to complete the survey in the link below. Your observations and perspective help us live up to our core value of continuous improvement.  By sharing your insights, you will aid us as we consider ways to improve how we serve YOU.  Thank you in advance for this important assistance.

For residents of the North District, please use the designated NORTH survey found at:

If you are not certain which district you live in, check out our map of district boundaries at:

Surveys for the other districts can be found at:

If you have questions about the survey, feel free to contact me at

Stay safe and healthy!


Captain Brian Austin

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