Residential Connection Rebate Program
Residential Connection Rebate Application Form
Madison General Ordinances, Section 13.07 (2) (i), authorize the Madison Water Utility to issue a rebate of 50% of the cost, up to a maximum of $3,000, for a private well owner not currently connected to municipal water to make the connection to the public water system.
A rebate will be granted if the following conditions are met:
- The property owner had a valid well operation permit issued under Sec. 13.21, MGO, prior to the well abandonment, or was a member of a private water supply cooperative.
- The property owner provides the Water Utility General Manager with receipts and proof that all requirements have been met.
- The Water Utility has not issued a citation to the property owner or made a written referral to the City Attorney for noncompliance with ordinance requirements.
- Except for properties that were members of a cooperative, the property owner properly abandons the private well on the property within thirty (30) days of the connection, or secures a new well operation permit under Sec. 13.21(5) for outdoor use only.
- The City or the Madison Water Utility has sufficient funding available to support the rebate.
In determining the amount of the rebate, only the cost to excavate and lay water pipes from the water main to just inside the building’s exterior wall will be considered. Costs incurred to run the interior piping from the water meter location to other interior pipes will not be included. Costs for restoring the site to pre-existing conditions (re-filling trenches, street patchwork, etc.) will be considered; however, re-grading the site and/or extensive landscaping work shall be excluded.
Questions may be referred to the Water Resources Section at (608) 266-4654.
Please mail the completed Residential Connection Rebate Application Form, original dated receipts, and all required paperwork to:
Madison Water Utility
Attn: Residential Connection Rebate
119 E Olin Avenue
Madison, WI 53713
Please note: Private Well Abandonment Reimbursement requests require additional forms and must be submitted separately.