Water Service Connection Requirement
Madison General Ordinance (MGO), Section 13.07, specifies that any building in the City of Madison that (1) is used for human habitation and (2) has access to municipal water must be connected to the municipal water system. In addition, all wells used or maintained in the City must be permitted through Madison Water Utility, MGO 13.21 (4).
Properties Currently Located in the City:
Owners of homes served by a permitted private well, where the home is located 150 feet or less from the nearest water main, may continue to use the well, subject to the terms of the well operation permit, until any of the following occurs:
- The well no longer produces bacteriologically safe water.
- The well operation permit is not renewed or expires.
- The property is sold or ownership is transferred.
As of February, 2013: Properties located in the City of Madison with a habitable structure more than 150 feet from the nearest public water main are exempt from this requirement. However, the private well serving this parcel must be permitted through the water utility (MGO 13.21).
Buildings subject to the connection requirement must be connected to the water main within 90 days of the sale or transfer of the property or the expiration of the well operation permit.
A delayed connection may be approved by the General Manager under some circumstances.
Properties Annexed or Attached to the City:
Homes or properties annexed or attached to the City of Madison after February 13, 2013 with access to municipal water must connect to the municipal water system within 180 days of the effective date of the annexation or attachment. The private well serving the property must either be properly abandoned according to the requirements of Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 812 or permitted through the water utility for outdoor use only (MGO Section 13.21)
Properties that do not have access to municipal water upon annexation or attachment must obtain a well operation permit from the Madison Water Utility. If municipal water becomes available at a later date, the home must be connected to municipal water within 90 days of the water main extension.