Distribution Sample Locations
Madison Water Utility has an approved Sampling Plan with the WI Department of Natural Resources. Routine coliform bacteria sampling and chlorine testing generally occurs twice per week at each of the locations identified below. The Utility is required to collect and test 150 samples per month for safety, however, Madison routinely collects over 200 monthly samples. In addition to coliform testing, once-per-quarter samples are collected for iron and manganese analysis at each location.
Collectively, this distribution sampling and testing helps to ensure:
- The absence of coliform bacteria in the distribution system;
- That adequate disinfection is being provided, and
- That operational conditions directly under our control are being maintained. Overall, it helps us to provide safe, high-quality drinking water for our community and you our customers.
West Side (Sampled Monday / Wednesday)
- Aldo Leopold Elementary School
- Alicia Ashman Public Library
- Badger Rock Middle School
- Booster Station 106
- Booster Station 128
- César Chávez Elementary School
- Ezekiel Gillespie Middle School
- Fire Station 4
- Fire Station 7
- Fire Station 9
- Fire Station 12
- Midvale Elementary School
- Milele Chikasa Anana Elementary School
- Orchard Ridge Elementary School
- Paul J. Olson Elementary School
- Shorewood Hills Fire Department
- Spring Harbor Middle School
- Thoreau Elementary School
- Tower 120
- Tower 126
- Tower 228
- Velma Hamilton Middle School
- West High School
East Side (Sampled Tuesday / Thursday)
- Abraham Lincoln Elementary School
- Booster Station 213
- Carl Sandburg Elementary School
- Charles Lindbergh Elementary School
- Dr. Virginia Henderson Elementary School
- East High School
- East Side Streets Department
- Fire Station 1
- Fire Station 5
- Fire Station 13
- Fire Station 14
- Frank Allis Elementary School
- Herbert Schenk Elementary School
- Lowell Elementary School
- Maple Bluff Village Hall
- Mendota Elementary School
- Reservoir 229
- Tower 225
- Tower 315
- Truax Field
- Water Utility Operations Center