Training Q&A

Your assignment e-mails in mid-July will have a link for the webinar replay. Remember to record that you have completed the training through your training portal. 

Chief Inspectors can get the link to their Zoom training through their training portal.

Questions from Training

Some observers are very interested in everything that happens and others are content to watch one station. If we need to remake a ballot, is it a requirement that the observer watch us? Should we specifically invite the observer to come watch each time we remake a ballot? The observer is not required to watch the ballots being remade. If we do need to remake a ballot, our procedure is to offer observers the opportunity to watch. Whether an observer chooses to take us up on that offer is completely up to them. If an observer tells us they are not interested in seeing any ballots being remade, we will honor their decision.

What is the correct way to reconcile the poll book? 

  1. Confirm all voter signatures are in one book. If not, document this on the incident log.
    Make sure both poll books list the same voter slip number for each voter. Include the supplemental lists in this review. One poll worker will read through each page of the poll book. Another poll worker will follow along in the other poll book.
  2. If you find any discrepancies you are able to resolve, correct them in the poll book. For example, add an A to the voter number of someone who voted absentee. If you need to cross something out, cross through it only once and initial next to it.

I'm looking for the current Poll Worker Reference Guide. Thank you for that reminder! We have updated that resource on the Poll Worker Resources page.

Did I understand correctly that if someone writes in a person's name, that takes precedence over a blackened oval? Yes, that is correct.

Are there any plans for additional signage that lists the 4 steps each voter should take to successfully complete their ballot? Yes, you will have a bright pink sign in your signage folder to place at the ballot table. You will also have bright pink crossover voting signs to post in each voting booth. The crossover voting signs will be packed in the new election security cart at the polls.

Regarding the referendum, may you tell someone that voting "yes" means change the constitution and voting "no" means don't change the constitution? Or is that too much information? That is more information than we can state in our own words. We need to refer to the explanation the state has provided for us to post at the polls.

I had signed up to receive  absentee ballots for the year because I  am out of town a lot.  Is it okay for poll workers to do that?
Absolutely. You may request that absentee ballots be mailed to you for the entire calendar year. You cannot, however, ask to be on the permanent absentee list.

Is it true that an out-of-state ID cannot be used for voting?
You are correct. A driver license or state ID card being used as voter ID must be issued by the Wisconsin DOT.

Can a UW-Madison Wiscard be used as voter ID? No, the Wiscard does not meet the state's voter ID criteria. UW-Madison students may get a voter identification card from the Wiscard office, though.

I have noticed that some poll workers lick their fingers when working with paper or turning the pages of the poll book. This is unsanitary. What are some better options? Please use the rubber fingertips or the Sortkwik fingertip moisturizer provided in the supply kit.


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