Dearholt Road Resurfacing (Milward Drive to Odana Road)
Project Details
Project Information
Project Update
6/23/2022 Update:
The project is complete.
Project Overview
The City is planning to resurface Dearholt Road (Milward Drive to Odana Road) in 2021 and 2022. The project includes the replacement of sanitary sewer and laterals, and storm sewer main and laterals. The asphalt pavement will be pulverized and 3.5-inches of asphalt will be placed back. The curb and gutter will be spot replaced as needed. The sanitary sewer and storm sewer work will continue into Odana Hills Park.
The Westgate Mall re-development requires offsite sanitary sewer improvements because the existing system is not large enough to handle the projected wastewater flows. The sanitary sewer along Dearholt Road will be replaced and upsized with 12-PVC from Odana Hills Park to Coney Weston Place and 10-inch PVC from Coney Weston Place to Odana Road. All the private sanitary sewer laterals will be replaced from the new main to the property line.
The storm sewer along Dearholt Road will be replaced and upsized resulting from the Wingra West Watershed study. The improved storm sewer will reduce area flowing and better convey storm runoff. The storm sewer connection through Odana Hills Park to Odana Pond will be replaced.

Click for full-sized, detailed Dearholt Exhibit
Project Limits
Odana Pond to Milward Drive to Odana Road
Project Schedule
Design: Spring 2021
Bids Advertised: May 2021
Construction: October-November 2021 (Odana Hills Park) & April-June 2022 (Dearholt Road)
Public Involvement
There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates, times and locations are indicated below:
Public Information Meetings
March 24, 2021 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation
March 24, 2021 Public Information Meeting Recording
City Process, Meetings
Board of Parks Commission: April 14, 2021
Board of Public Works: April 21, 2021
Common Council: May 4, 2021
*Note: Registering to speak is only necessary for Common Council and Board of Public Works Meetings. You do not need to register to speak at Public Information Meetings. Simply attend public information meetings with registration, and you'll have an opportunity to share feedback and ask questions.