Today officers from the Madison Police Department will be conducting an enhanced enforcement project on the Beltline focussing on speeding, hazardous driving and seatbelt use.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: In 2018, speeding was a contributing factor in 26% of all traffic fatalities. Also, Of the 22,215 passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2019, 47% were not wearing seat belts.
Please slow down and buckle up, not just today on the Beltline, but every day on all of our City's streets.
*** Update ***
From 6:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Officers monitored the area of W Beltline Hwy and Old Sauk Rd for speeding and other hazardous traffic violations.
- A total of 21 stops conducted for speeding with the average speed being 77 MPH (22 MPH over the speed limit)
- All vehicles stopped were traveling at least 20 MPH over the posted speed limit (55 MPH)
- 8 vehicles were stopped for going at least 80 MPH
- 2 vehicles were stopped for going at least 90 MPH
- Highest speed stopped was for going 96 MPH
- Officers on the grant also arrested one driver for OWI