Many of us are travelling near and far during the summer months and are often eager to share pictures and updates with friends and family via social media sites. While you may be anxious to share pictures of your time away from home, please think about the following ideas when posting information on Facebook or similar sites.
Be careful when you post information about a trip or vacation. Posting pictures during a vacation is a clear announcement to everyone that you are not home. Posting information while you are gone about where you are could unintentionally provide personal information that an opportunistic burglar could use to locate your address. This could be done through photos or past posts.
Remember that when you "friend" someone and post personal information, it is hard to guarantee that what you post or share will stay with just your friends. If you decide to share pictures of your epic vacation, consider waiting until you are home again.
Please contact the Madison Crime Prevention Unit to schedule a personal safety course for your business or organization. The contact phone number is 266-4238.
Thanks and be safe!