Nominations are now being accepted for the 5th annual Alix Olson Award.
Alix Olson is a retired Madison Police detective who spent much of her career combating hate crimes. She was also the driving force behind a local anti-hate crime group that now presents this award in her name.
Seeking Tolerance and Justice Over Hate, or STAJOH, seeks to recognize an individual who has worked to promote tolerance and justice in the community, through leadership, education or other initiatives that have a positive impact by increasing tolerance toward all and eliminating hate.
The person selected will receive the Alix Olson Award for the Promotion of a Tolerant and Just Community at the YWCA Racial Justice Summit on October 2, 2015.
Nominations are due by September 15, 2015.
Information on the award and how you can submit a nomination can found by going to this link: