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Police Blotter

Tag: Crime Stoppers

November 26, 2024 11:20 AM

Greetings! Over the past week, we have seen an uptick in thefts from autos (TFA) in the Midtown District. These incidents often involve thieves targeting unlocked vehicles, taking valuables left inside, or rummaging through cars that are parked overnight in driveways or on the street. While … [read more]

October 24, 2023 3:38 PM

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August 7, 2020 9:26 PM

There were a rash of stolen autos, burglaries and theft from autos last night on the east side. In most of these cases, the thieves got into cars and opened the garages with the garage door opener, then they went into homes via the unlocked entry door into the garage. Please make it your … [read more]

October 3, 2019 4:25 PM

There is an active group of persons in a convoy of vehicles going throughout communities in and around Madison, breaking into cars as well as homes. The MO is to check the car in the driveway and upon finding it unlocked, use the garage door opener to make entry into your home. This group is … [read more]

August 7, 2019 1:13 PM

The Madison Police Department hosted National Night Out Tuesday August 6th at Warner Park. It was an incredibly successful event with lots of opportunities for the police and park rangers to connect with the … [read more]

July 11, 2019 3:00 PM

Want to learn how to make your home and personal property less tempting to thieves? Then join us for the next Good Neighbor Night! Learn more about the most common types of property crimes that occur in Madison Discover tips and low-cost ways you can deter thieves when you're asleep … [read more]

June 5, 2019 11:10 AM

On behalf of the Madison Police Department Burglary Crime Unit, Happy Summer! We hope it is a safe one for you and yours. To assist in that endeavor, we have some tips to keep you, your residences and properties safe. As the supervisor of the BCU, I review the vast majority of case reports … [read more]

May 16, 2019 10:15 AM

There have been 150 stolen vehicles so far in 2019, a 14% increase over same time period last year. In April of this year, the City had 34 stolen autos reported, representing a 36% increase over April of 2018. Of the 34 stolen autos reported in April, 28 had keys left in them. Two stolen … [read more]

April 1, 2019 8:18 AM

This car, and the two occupants inside, were involved in some theft from vehicles in the Post Rd. area over the weekend. If you have any information that can assist us in solving this crime, please call Crimestoppers at 608-266- 6014. [read more]

March 13, 2019 7:33 AM

West Badger Liquor at 714 West Badger was robbed at gunpoint last night around 9pm. There were 2 suspects, one of them struck the female clerk/victim over the head with a liquor bottle causing a signficant laceration that required medical attention. The suspects were described as two black … [read more]

February 25, 2019 7:31 AM

Last night, officers were sent at 8:44pm and again at 10:26pm for the report of shots fired on Sunfish Court on the south side. Officer did locate casings. If you have any information that may assist us in ID'ing the suspects in this case, please call Madison Crimestoppers at … [read more]

February 21, 2019 2:36 PM

These days it's easy to do just about everything from behind a screen. We shop online, text and chat with friends and neighbors on apps or on social media, and now we can even use our smartphones to talk to someone at our front door! While all of this technology can be very useful and even … [read more]

February 20, 2019 9:46 AM

We had an armed robbery this morning of the PLS loan store in the 1900 block of South Park St at 6:37am, There were 3 suspects who fled on foot toward Beld St. If you know ANYTHING about this incident please call the South District at 608-266-5938 or Crimestoppers at 608-266-6014, you can … [read more]

February 11, 2019 11:26 AM

Are you interested in neighborhood safety? Then please join us for Good Neighbor Night to learn how you can start or join a Good Neighbor Project! Get all the details about this MPD community safety program Learn from community members who will share creative ideas to help you get to … [read more]

January 16, 2019 2:44 PM

Who wouldn't love to be that winner you see on TV holding a great big sweepstakes check? That's what con artists are counting on when they claim to be Publishers Clearing House. This trick is an oldie but goodie for scammers. The scam starts with a call or letter saying you've won the … [read more]

January 7, 2019 2:53 PM

Are you looking to escape the Wisconsin winter for some warmer weather? Whether you are going on a short vacation or consider yourself a snowbird, it is important to prep your home before you leave. Here are 10 safety tips and best practices for snowbirds and vacationers: Make … [read more]

July 3, 2018 9:19 AM

While reading reports, I saw another disturbing trend. We had 2 guns with ammunition, stolen out of two different unlocked vehicles in the West District. These are two more guns that are now in criminal hands that did not need to be there. One of them was a Draco AK-47 pistol (Photo below of … [read more]

June 18, 2018 1:23 PM

As of June 17, we had 97 shots fired incidents city wide. This is an increase of 14.1% over last year. This morning there was another burglary where an unlocked vehicle sitting in a driveway was entered and the garage door opener was used to open the garage door to the home. The suspects … [read more]

May 7, 2018 1:19 PM

Just a reminder for you Craigslisters or other on-line shoppers. Instead of meeting people in your homes when selling something, feel free to offer to meet in the parking lot of the West District. I can't imagine anyone with suspcious motives, agreeing to meet you at a police station! [read more]

March 22, 2018 9:04 AM

Yesterday afternoon and evening there were a couple of different series of shots fired calls. One was around 3:5oPM near the 5800 block of Dorsett Dr. The other was around 9:20pm near the 5800 block of Russett Rd. At this time, we do not know if these incidents are connected. We have made … [read more]

January 18, 2018 8:07 AM

Stolen autos remain a problem for us. From the Monday shift notes; One recovered stolen auto on the south side with an arrest One recovered stolen auto in Fitchburg that was stolen in Madison One recovered stolen auto in Mount Horeb that was stolen in Madison One auto … [read more]

December 4, 2017 5:07 PM

The holidays can be stressful enough without the added burden of trying to avoid becoming a theft victim. Our friends with the Brown County Sheriff’s Department just sent out a statewide alert telling us of a new twist on an old scam. The Sheriff’s Department knew that folks could use this alert … [read more]

November 29, 2017 9:53 AM

Don't let the snow lead to a ticket or a tow. Here are few things you need to know to AVOID a ticket or a tow: Alternate Side Parking is in effect city-wide with the exception of the Snow Emergency Zone (unless there is a Declared Snow Emergency). Alternate Side Parking is in effect from … [read more]

November 27, 2017 11:49 AM

Tis the season for thankfulness, celebration and SCAMS. There are a number of scams going on around Madison, one being the Grandparent scam. This is where are called and a person claiming to be a police officer says the grandchild was arrested and they need bail money to get out. The victim … [read more]

November 21, 2017 10:08 AM

This year so far, we have had 362 cars stolen in the city. Many of these are stolen by juveniles and are later recovered, but usually the cars have been damaged or involved in accidents. Many of these kids then endager themselves and the public as they speed and drive recklessly in the stolen … [read more]

January 20, 2017 10:15 AM

The Burglary Crime Unit, (BCU) is responsible for investigating both commercial and residential burglaries throughout the city. The unit consists of 4 Detectives, 1 Intelligence Officer, 1 Pawn Program Assistant and 1 Detective Sergeant. Due to a long term illness, the unit had to work 1 person … [read more]

December 9, 2016 2:59 PM

Remember No Shovels, No Snow, No work needed. The Madison Police Department and Madison Area Crime Stoppers need your help in identifying suspects in a rash of burglaries that occurred Wednesday, December 7th between 1pm and 5pm. In these cases the suspects report looking for work shoveling … [read more]

September 22, 2015 1:51 PM

The Madison Police Department Crime Prevention Safety Tip of the week. Skimmers are in Madison. This crime involves two pieces of equipment A card reader A pin hole camera viewing the keypad Skimmers are devices that are placed over the card reader on ATMs. This allows the … [read more]

April 14, 2015 11:01 AM

On Saturday morning, April 11th, at 2:12 a.m., an unknown white male was captured by exterior security cameras intentionally causing damage to the Beth Israel Center at 1406 Mound Street. MPD South District Detective Roger Baker is assigned to follow up on this potential hate crime. If anyone … [read more]

September 29, 2014 2:51 PM

    The 5th annual 5K Brittany Zimmermann Run will be held this coming Saturday, October 4th, at 2p.m.  The race will start and end on the Edgewood College campus.   All proceeds raised go toward Madison Area Crimestoppers.  Still not too late to register or volunteer … [read more]

September 29, 2014 2:51 PM

    The 5th annual 5K Brittany Zimmermann Run will be held this coming Saturday, October 4th, at 2p.m.  The race will start and end on the Edgewood College campus.   All proceeds raised go toward Madison Area Crimestoppers.  Still not too late to register or volunteer … [read more]

August 4, 2014 10:31 AM

Many of us are travelling near and far during the summer months and are often eager to share pictures and updates with friends and family via social media sites.  While you may be anxious to share pictures of your time away from home, please think about the following ideas when posting … [read more]

July 22, 2014 1:08 AM

Have you thought about getting an alarm at your home?  It is a personal choice that certainly does not come without additional expenses.  As an alarm owner for the past 17 years at three different properties, here are a few tips and ideas I can share for you to consider if you have decided to … [read more]

June 30, 2014 9:31 AM

Have you ever wondered how secure your doors and locks really are in your home?  This week, we encourage you to take a few minutes and examine the locks on the doors leading into your home from your garage.  Deadbolts should be used on every exterior door if possible.  Many garage doors … [read more]

June 5, 2014 1:42 PM

The Madison Police Department and Crime Prevention Unit need your help in stopping “Grandma” scams…you may have heard of these before.  Crime Stoppers received two recent reports of the “Grandma” scam in the Madison area. Here is how the scam works…A victim answers the phone and the … [read more]

May 29, 2014 12:36 PM

With warmer temperatures, Madison may see an increase in home improvement scams and we need your help in stopping them. In 2013, one of the top scams reported was a “repair person” going door to door and offering to do repairs on homes or driveways.  These were always unsolicited visits … [read more]

April 10, 2014 2:11 PM

  In the early morning hours of October 3, 2013, Lamontez White, 30 yoa, was shot and killed by an unkown person (or persons) while in a ground floor apartment at 2305 Fish Hatchery Road.   Several persons, mostly family, were present in the apartment at the time Lamontez was shot and killed, … [read more]

October 11, 2013 8:37 AM

The Madison Police Department and Crime Stoppers need your help in identifying suspects in the passing of counterfeit bills. On Friday, October 4th at 7pm, two counterfeit bills were passed on Madison's west side. The suspects washed a $5.00 bill and copied the information from a $100 … [read more]

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