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South District Blotter

34 Pedestrian Violation Citations Issued On Monroe Street

May 7, 2013 2:21 PM

This morning, officers from the MPD's Traffic Enforcement & Safety Team (TEST) conducted a pedestrian "duck" operation in the Monroe Street corridor., The Dudgeon Monroe and Vilas Neighborhood Associations continue to report to MPD their concerns with pedestrians being able safely crossly Monroe Street at intersections marked with crosswalks and other signage.,, Today, an older, plain clothes MPD officer,(e.g. the "duck") made efforts to cross Monroe Street at clearly marked crosswalks., In cases where vehicles failed to yield to the plain clothes officer in the cross walk, uniformed MPD TEST officers on motorcycles and squad cars initiated traffic stops and in 34 cases issued citations to the drivers., The fine on a Failure to Yield to Pedestrian citation is $240.

MPD TEST Officer Bill Brendel led today's operation., Our thanks to NBC15 for their reporting on this project and interview with Officer Brendel during today's "Morning Show" (



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