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South District Blotter


June 6, 2013 8:57 AM

Starting today through this weekend (June 6-8), Special Olympics of Wisconsin will be holding their annual statewide competition in Stevens Point (, This morning, law enforcement officers from across the State of Wisconsin, including here in Madison, will be running, biking and walking from their jurisdictions to Stevens Point eventually,joining these athletes at tonight's (Thursday evening) Opening Ceremonies(,

The South Police District is very proud of one of our officers who is once again supporting Wisconsin Special Olympics today in Stevens Point, but who also has for years worked very hard behind the scenes volunteering in many different ways to raise funds to support Wisconsin,Special Olympic athletes., Officer Kurt Wege, 32 years of age,,joined the City of Madison Police Department three years ago, and prior to that worked for the Town of Madison Police Department.,

Throughout his law enforcement career, Kurt has been been a leader amongst his peers encouraging officers to donate time and money to support Special Olympics of Wisconsin., One of the events Officer Wege has worked on is the annual "Polar Plunge," usually held in February, where participants raise funds for Wisconsin Special Olympics by jumping into the icy waters of Lake Monona., Similar "plunges" are now held today across the State of Wisconsin every winter.

On Sunday May 19th, Officer Wege was recognized by Special Olympics of Wisconsin with their "Volunteer of the Year" award for all of his efforts he has put forth over the years., This recognition was bestowed upon Officer Wege at the Wisconsin Professional Police Association annual convention and banquet in the Wisconsin Dells.

"Congratulations and thank you Officer Wege for all you do for Wisconsin Special Olympics."

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