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South District Blotter

Crime Update & South District Community Survey

November 1, 2013 12:56 PM

Over the past two months, I have made a number of posts to this South District,blotter, and sent out a number of e-mails to neighborhood groups, regarding an uptick in burglaries and robberies in the Greenbush, Vilas and Regent St neighborhoods. Last week, many of you probably saw media reports on the arrest of 21 year old, Kendridge Dillard, a former Chicago resident, who now frequents the South Madison area.  Mr. Dillard has been charged thus far with the robbery and armed burglary of a UW student in the 500 block of W. Mifflin Street.  Mr. Dillard is also a significant person of interest to a number of other crimes which we have been reported over the past two months. For the time being, Mr. Dillard will remained locked up in the Dane County Jail as detectives from the Central and South Police Districts continue their investigative efforts. There has been a slowing in the frequency of these crimes happening. However, we ask that residents remain vigilant and call 911 if they see suspicious persons or vehicles in their neighborhoods.

Lastly, it is that time of year when each of the five Madison Police districts reach out to residents and ask for your assistance in completing our on line community survey.   Please click on the below link to complete the survey and enter comments.  I will be reviewing each completed survey.  Your input helps us to improve as an organization and gain current information on crime trends or other quality of life issues impacting your neighborhood.

Thanks in advance for your assistance with this survey effort.   Don't forget to turn your clocks back on Saturday night !!!

Capt Joe





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