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South District Blotter

Changes at South

January 9, 2019 12:02 PM

As of the first of the year, the previous South Captain, Paige Valenta was promoted to Assistant Chief and has now moved downtown to share her talents on a city wide basis.  Lt. Matt Tye was also promoted and is now the Captain of Community Outreach.  Lt. Mindy Winter has moved downtown and is assigned to Investigative Services

The South District now has an all new command staff.  Lt. Angie Kamoske is our Detective Lieutenant and will be overseeing investigations, follow up and report reviews.  Lt. Kelly Beckett is the Patrol Lieutenant and will oversee patrol operations, Neighborhood Officers, our Neighborhood Resource Officer and our Community Policing Team.

I am Cory Nelson and am the Captain of the district.  I was previously the Captain of the West District for the past 2 years.  I am in my 30th year with MPD.  When I first started in 1989, I was assigned as a patrol officer to the south district and my beat for my first 3 years was Simpson St. (Now called Lakepoint).  As I drive around, I am very impressed all the positive improvement that has occurred on the south side over the decades. 

I look forward to meeting many of you in the future and continuing to work towards constantly improving safety in the south district. 


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