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South District Blotter


September 2, 2020 11:24 AM

Last week several officers were alerted to a parked stolen auto in an apartment complex on the south side.  The vehicle had two passengers and as Officers set up on the vehicle, the driver came from the complex and started to drive away.  As police ordered the vehicle to stop, it took off at a high rate of speed and crashed into a building.  The suspects ran and police caught two of the three suspects shortly after.  A crowd gathered to begin filming and yelling at the police for making the arrests.  After reviewing this case, the damaged stolen car and building, I reviewed the history of the two apprehended suspects as Officers told me they were well-known due to past criminal activity.  One suspect was out on bail for previous auto thefts.  Additionally, the two suspects (one 16 years old and one 21 years old) had numerous arrests for these crimes and others in the past.  Although this was handled professionally, safely and without major injury, this incident tied up numerous police resources for hours.  The incident also lends truth to the fact that "we cannot police our way out of these crimes".  There has to be a "systems improvement" so these youth are not arrest 8-10 times before they turn 17.  I am soliciting reasonable, achievable ideas for what you think should be the best practice in saving teens from arrest after arrest.  You can title your email "Reasonable Idea" and email it to me at:   I am curious to know what the public thinks we can do to save teens, prevent crime and keep our city safe.  WE ARE MADISON.   Mike Hanson, Captain, South District Madison Police Department. 

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