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South District Blotter

Coffee with a COP - Southside style

June 14, 2021 10:49 AM

We are so pleased to welcome "Coffee with a COP" this Thursday, June 17 at 8:30 a.m. at Lane's Bakery, 2304 S. Park St.  HOORAY, we can meet in person and enjoy each others company once again.  Please join Madison Police Department South District Officers for "Coffee with a COP" where we'll meet with you and try to answer questions the community has.  We appreciate Lane's Bakery for opening their doors for the community to attend and I promise you will not catch me eating a donut in uniform. . . but maybe a cookie.  I hope you can attend!! This will occur every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. at Lanes through the summer, ending 8/26.  

Captain Mike Hanson

South District

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