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South District Blotter

Thank you Urban League

August 11, 2021 8:29 AM

In partnership with the Urban League and Dr. Ruben Anthony, MPD held four weekly "Community Conversations" in which we shared important conversations with members of the community on what we do, where policing is headed, how we train and how we operate.  Chief Barnes presented at two of the sessions.  Last night was our final night and Captain Matt Tye explained the community outreach efforts MPD performs on a routine basis.  Of the great conversation, my take-away is that the audience declared that MPD needs to "market"  to the community the nationally-recognized work we are involved in.  Madison, you should be proud of the innovative work we do in policing from how we train officers to managing people in mental health crisis.  I also noted a need for an entity to develop some sort of curriculum to work with youth on building trust with police.  Can the schools, neighborhood centers, non-profits and more work together to invest in our community's future by advancing youth and law enforcement relations?  We have a "policing the teen brain" training our department has received, but my fear is there is not a solid balance offering youth important relational turst-building with law enforcement.  We must build trust together.  Later this year there will be more "Community Conversations" created by our Outreach team so more citizens can engage.  Stay tuned.  In the meantime, we appreciate and thank the Urban League for hosting and being a trusted partner.  We look forward to more opportunities in future.  

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