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South District Blotter

Officers help residents with community garden

May 16, 2014 8:08 PM

Neighborhood Ofc. Kimberly Alan and Ofc. Amelia Levett along with CDA staff helped fifteen Triangle Neighborhood residents rehabilitate their community garden located near 755 Braxton Pl. on Friday, May 16th. Despite predictions of rain, the group was able to hang a new gate and line the existing chain-link fencing with additional fencing designed to keep rabbits and other small animals outside the garden. Donations of time and supplies from CDA, the City of Madison, Dane County, the Bayview Foundation and Journey Mental Health also contributed to the success of this project.

Pictured below:

Resident Charles Hill (red shirt) works with Journey Mental Health Service Coordinator Callie Reyes and Journey Mental Health Intern Brad Dakan to trench and hang fencing.

Ofc. Amelia Levett helps zip tie fencing after residents trenched outside of the existing fence.

Triangle Neighborhood Officer Kim Alan (second from right) poses with CDA Service Coordinator Kaitlyn Kuemmerlein (middle), residents Charles Hill (far left), Jerome Holliday (far right) and Joan Wheeler (second from left) after working all afternoon in the garden.

The group also included several Hmong elders who did not wish to be photographed, but whose help was greatly appreciated.


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