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South District Blotter

Triangle (Bayview-Brittingham) N'hood Officer Update

April 23, 2015 5:13 PM

    Below is a "shout out" from MPD South District Neighborhood Officer Kimberly Alan.  Officer Alan has been serving the residents of the "Triangle" neighborhood for two years now.  Read her update below and you'll see how involved, committed and connected MPD neighborhood officers are to their communities !!!



My name is Kimberly Alan, I have been the Triangle Neighborhood Officer for the past two years, a position created to protect the vulnerable residents of the Triangle and also liaison with the Parks department to keep Brittingham Park safe for residents to use.

NPO Kim Alan

The Triangle Neighborhood consists of the 28 acres between W. Washington Ave., S. Park St. and Regent St. Seventeen of those acres consist of housing owned by the Community Development Authority and the Bayview Foundation. The rest of the neighborhood is owned by Meriter Hospital, Select Hospital or UW Clinics.   616 people live in the Triangle Neighborhood, 137 of which are children. 80 percent of those children are English Second Language learners.

Some current initiatives I am working on include:

  • The indoor gardening "Growth on the Triangle" program that has expanded to both high-rise buildings on CDA property. This initiative helps provide daily programming and improve resident's feeling of security over their food.
  • Adding flower boxes to each balcony of the Parkside Building in late April. CDA approved funding for the boxes and with resident help we will be beautifying the building to discourage persons from viewing this building immediately as a "project."
  • Supporting Brittingham Boats in their "Paddle with the Police" event in early May.
  • Supporting the group Disability Pride with their Brittingham Park festival Saturday, July 25th.
  • Coordinating safety plans along with Mental Health Ofc. Hollenback for residents that are prone to violence against themselves or others.
  • Completing safety plans, including adding lights around the Bayview Community Center.
  • I also look forward to the election of our new District 13 Alderperson and working with them to improve access to Brittingham Park and funding for initiatives in the neighborhood.

     Please wave if you see me or members of the South Police Team out on bicycle patrol this summer!  Feel free to contact me by phone at 608-577-5726 or e-mail at

NPO Kimberly Alan



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