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South District Blotter

Baycreek Residents Help Officers Capture Felony Theft Suspect

August 14, 2013 12:52 PM

On Monday afternoon (08/13/13), several residents from the Baycreek neighborhood called 911 when they saw South District officers chasing a young man through the Van Duesen and Colby Street areas.  Below is a link to MPD PIO Joel Despain's detailed press release about this incident which led to the recovery of a $22,000 ATV that had been stolen in Fitchburg from Engelhart's on Greenway Cross.   Besides Baycreek residents, a city gargabe truck operator and MPD Parking Enforcement Officer also assisted in the apprehension by providing updates to the officers as the suspect kept running from them in the Baycreek neighborhood.   Great job by all.  True testament to "community policing."



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