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Midtown District Blotter

Burglaries, Theft from Autos, and Stolen Autos Updates

May 9, 2019 1:06 PM

The area around Monroe and Regent St have been hit particularly hard with burglaries and theft from autos over the last couple months.  A person of interest was recently arrested on charges unrelated to the crimes in this area.  After that arrest, we saw a dramatic drop in burglaries and theft from autos, but they have not ceased.  Detectives continue to work the burglary cases and determining potential charges related to the person that was arrested.

Knowing these crimes are still occurring, we ask citizens to continue their vigilance in securing their homes and vehicles.  Of note with the recent crimes, burglars have broken out car and home windows to access items of value in plain view.

Please remember to remove things from your car.  Even a bag with nothing of value may be tempting.  At home, put car keys, purses, wallets, or other valuables out of sight from windows and patio doors.

We are still seeing stolen autos.  Double check your cars to ensure there isn't a valet key hidden somewhere in the vehicle.  Particularly if you have a push button start.  Even as we move into the warmer weather, the running vehicles are too tempting for some to pass up!

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