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Midtown District Blotter

Bars, House Parties, and Public Health

October 12, 2020 11:45 AM

Hello Midtown,

MPD, OCA, and DCPH created a letter (link below) to send out to bars and potential house-parties in an effort to curb activities which are deleterious to public health.  It is our goal to get this letter out to as many people in the Regent St area (as well as Langdon, State St, and other heavy-student and establishment areas) prior to the first UW Football game.  Not only is the letter meant to educate and warn in preparation for UWFB, but, importantly, it is hoped that a tone will be set for Halloween weekend.


MPD will be sharing this letter electronically with a number of others, and we will be doing door-to-door education/deliveries along with Public Health and OCA later this week.

Additionally, as in past years, MPD (and UWPD) will be dedicated some extra personnel to work the game(s)

Thank you and be safe,


Captain Jason Freedman

Here is the link to the letter/police/blog/documents/2020%20MPD%20Freakfest%20football%20letter(002).docx

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