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Midtown District Blotter


October 12, 2019 12:27 PM

Hello Midtown!

My name is Jason Freedman, and on 10/6/19 I took over for Jay Lengfeld as Midtown Captain.  Captain Lengfeld reitred after 38! years of service.  I thank him for all of the contributions he's made to our community and MPD over the last four decades and I wish him well as he enters the next chapter!

Below is a short bio for me:

I grew up on the west side of Madison, and now live with my wife and 8th grade son in McFarland, WI.  My parents and sister still live in the city, and I am strongly committed to the health, safety, and quality of life of Madison's residents. 


After graduating high school (a Spartan), I received my undergraduate degree (history, political science, and international relations) from UW Madison, and later a master's in public administration from the UW Oshkosh, which I attended part time while working at MPD.


Following graduation from Marine Corps Officer Candidate School, my first 'real full time job' was with CDA Madison where I worked in the housing and Section-8 department.  It was an eye opening experience to see a different side of life and the barriers that some experience when trying to fulfill a basic need--and, unfortunately, these barriers and needs largely remain, 20+ years later.  Yet it also helped to spark my passion for service to this community.


In 1997 I had the privilege of being hired by MPD, and I've enjoyed a great and rewarding career thus far:  as a patrol officer north, west and south; neighborhood officer for Baird/Fisher; training officer--training remains a great passion of mine; patrol sergeant (north), CPT sergeant (north); Narcotics Unit Sergeant and then Lieutenant; and most recently Central District Captain.  I've also been part of SWAT as a team member, team leader, negotiations sergeant, tactical commander, and am now the overall team commander.


Most of my best experiences at MPD have involved being a part of great teams, and I am very excited about the team that I am joining at Midtown.  We have an extraordinarily talented and diverse group that serves the district and the community.   I have no doubt that their law enforcement and life experiences and their commitment to service will shine through and demonstrate their empathy, competence, and embrace of MPD's core values.


We have a great team, but we also need to team effectively with our community, who often have information and ideas that can really help us help them.  Further, many of my 'wins' in the Central District involved effective team work with other city and non-city partners such as DMI, City Attorney, ALRC, Parking Utility, and, of course, my Central alder cadre.  Actualized policing in partnership with the community is a powerful and effective change agent. 


As I step into the district, I know I have a lot to learn--and a lot of people to meet and get to know; I look forward to learning the nuances, people, and soul of Midtown.


Thank you,



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