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Midtown District Blotter

We Would Like YOUR Feedback!

January 28, 2021 11:38 AM

MPD Survey

Hello Midtown!

Every year, MPD seeks community feedback.  As a Midtown resident, we ask and hope that you will take a few minutes to complete a short survey.  We value your feedback and look to find ways to incorporate it into our efforts to keep Madison safe and secure.  As you may know, one of our core values is a commitment to continuous improvement, and your response(s) will aid us as we consider ways in which we can improve or adjust our service model(s).

For residents of the Midtown District, please use the designated MIDTOWN survey found at:

We are trying to capture response data by police district, so if you see this and do not live in the Midtown District, please see the below to complete the survey for your police district.

If you are not certain which district you live in, check out our map of district boundaries at:

Surveys for the other districts can be found at:

For questions about the survey, or any other Midtown District or MPD related issues, feel free to email at or give me a call at 608-229-8201

The survey links will close on March 1, 2021.

Thank you and be well!

Captain Jason Freedman



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